Violent thug stalks Labour leader

Matthew Collins - 22 04 17
Andrew Edge (left) with UKIP leader Paul Nuttall last year

A violent thug who once led a faction within the English Defence League (EDL) has today been traveling up and down between Stockport, Crewe and Manchester, in an attempt to find and assault Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.

Edge: Makes his thuggish threats to his daft friends


Andrew Edge, who has been to prison for assaulting the police (among others) , made the threat in a posting on his private social media this morning, boasting that he was going to attempt to assault Mr Corbyn in Manchester today.

HOPE not hate contacted Greater Manchester Police immediately.  Mr Corbyn had tweeted he was leaving London’s Euston station this morning to travel to the North West to campaign as part of the ‘Labour Doorstep’ initiative to meet voters on their doorsteps.

Edge is believed to have changed his travel plans once he realised we had rumbled him and decidced to meet Corbyn in Crewe- either in the town or on his train.

Edge was pleased to announce that with him was Ian Crossland, the now infamous and moronic leader of the EDL who threatened to knock the teeth out of a Muslim woman earlier this month after a humiliating confrontation in Birmingham.

Corbyn: On his way to Manchester this morning

HOPE not hate also spoke to people who were traveling with Mr Corbyn and they were aware of the threats being made.

Edge: Should probably take advantage of asking about Labour’s education policies


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