Thuringia leader slams neo-Nazi concert free speech protection

Graeme Atkinson - 18 07 17

The leader of Thuringia in eastern Germany says people’s right to assembly should be redefined to combat right-wing extremist music events. This comes after some 6,000 neo-Nazis attended a concert in the town of Themar.

“Sad” and “helpless” – that was how Thuringia State Premier Bodo Ramelow of the Left Party described his emotions after right-wing radicals chanted “Sieg heil” at the “Rock against Being Swamped by Foreigners” event on Saturday. In an interview with the eastern German regional state television broadcaster MDR, Ramelow said that measures needed to be taken to prevent such concerts from enjoying the same protections and advantages as political protests.

Read the original article here.



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