Overview A new analysis of polling commissioned by HOPE not hate provides valuable insight into the views of Brexit Party supporters, where they stand on…
A new analysis of polling commissioned by HOPE not hate provides valuable insight into the views of Brexit Party supporters, where they stand on the key issues, and how they feel about the key personalities in British politics today:
Britain leaving the EU is, unsurprisingly, the most important issue for Brexit party supporters (60%), followed by immigration and asylum (35%), health (32%) and crime (30%).
84% of Brexit party voters want Britain to leave the EU without a deal. 13% want to leave on the terms negotiated by the Government, just 2% want to leave the EU but stay inside the customs union and single market.
However, Brexit party supporters are incredibly optimistic about what Brexit will bring:
This is worrying given the predicted impacts of the hard Brexit these same people are seeking. A devastating impact on the economy that does not match up with their false hopes will see a rise in frustration, anger and anti-politics sentiment.
The majority are already very angry about the delay to Britain’s departure from the EU (89% compared to 35% nationally):
Islam, immigration and multiculturalism
The great majority of Brexit Party supporters are extremely opposed to multiculturalism and immigration:
They see multiculturalism as having a more negative than positive effect on both British culture (72% say negative, 12% say positive) and, to a slightly lesser extent the British economy (44% say negative, 30% say positive).
They are extremely negative about the state of Britain today. When asked if they think that, overall, things now are better or worse than they were ten years ago, 76% say that things are worse for Britain as a whole. Just 22% think things are better for themselves and their families.
78% think that new immigrants are given priority ahead over established residents when it comes to benefits or using public services.
Just 11% think that a sharp reduction in immigration after the UK leaves the EU will have an adverse effect on the British economy; 67% refute this.
42% feel very strongly that immigration has on balance made this country worse.
A large share of Brexit party supporters hold strong anti-Muslim views:
At the same time, slightly more think discrimination is a serious problem for Muslims in Britain today (32%) as deny this (31%).
Brexit party supporters share an assimilationist view of integration which reflects their anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant views. The most popular intervention to improve community relations in Britain are banning religious clothing that covers the face, like the burqa (56%), controlling and reducing new immigration (47%) and compulsory English classes for all new immigrants (44%).
Values and identity
Brexit Party supporters think that British values are in decline (42% strongly agree that they are).
Brexit party supporters are slightly more likely to identify as English (49%) than British (48%). The population as a whole is much more likely to see themselves as British (59%) than English (26%).
Brexit party supporters are more optimistic about the future than the majority population: 49% are optimistic, 51% are pessimistic. 75% are happy with their lives so far.
Party affiliation
The majority of Brexit party supporters hold a very high level of support- on a scale of 1-100, where 0 means you absolutely would never vote for the party and 100 means you feel politically very warm towards the party, 75% place themselves between 90-100, 23% at 81- 90 and 2% between 71-80.
Most have a broken relationship with the Conservative party, feeling let down by delays to Britain’s exit from the EU. A third (33%) feel strongly that they would absolutely never vote Conservative, while 14% say they still feel very warm towards the party.
Most also have a broken relationship with UKIP: just 24% of Brexit party supporters fell very warm towards UKIP, with 29% saying that they would definitely never vote for the party.
They do not think much of Theresa May – just 6% see her very favourably
They have a very positive view of Nigel Farage. 64% see him very favourably
But they dislike Gerard Batten. Just 5% see him very favourably
The majority also oppose Tommy Robinson. 37% see him very unfavourably, while 11% see him very favourably- though this is over 5 times greater than the proportion of the population as a whole, among whom 2% see him very positively
Brexit party supporters share a strong anti-politics and anti-establishment view:
Despite their support for ‘strongman’ politician Farage, just 6% feel strongly that politicians should lead the way, and not be swayed too easily by public opinion
87% think that you cannot be proud of your national identity these days without being called racist, with only 11% agreeing that Brexit has enabled and legitimised prejudice towards migrants and ethnic minorities.
44% feel very strongly that discrimination against white people has become as big a problem as discrimination against non-white people. Just 8% feel very strongly that discrimination against non-white people continues to be far more significant than any discrimination against white people.
This article contains an analysis of those who said they hold a favourable view of the Brexit party (n=934 weighted) in our Fear & HOPE polling. All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 6,118 adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between 26th April – 1st May 2019. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all GB adults (aged 18+).