Despite insisting that he has “never been a conspiracy theorist”, Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage has appeared in the online documentary Bilderberg: The Movie (2014)…
Despite insisting that he has “never been a conspiracy theorist”, Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage has appeared in the online documentary Bilderberg: The Movie (2014) alongside a number of conspiracy theorists from the notorious LaRouche movement.
The spurious film, written and presented by Daniel Estulin, focuses on the Bilderberg conference, an annual meeting of politicians and leaders in industry, finance, academia and the media, which conspiracy theorists have long alleged to be secretly directing the course of world events.
The documentary makes a number of wild claims about the conference, including alleging that it is part of a conspiracy to abolish nation states, instill a New World Order, and drastically depopulate the globe.
Farage himself claims in the film that EU officials “actually want to destroy the nation state as a unit.” As we detail, Farage has long showed a willingness to associate with fringe conspiracy theorists, for example being photographed with American “Pizzagate” conspiracy theorist Jack Posobiec last year.
Farage, who was the leader of UKIP at the time of the documentary’s release, is one of ten credited as “cast” in the film, alongside Estulin himself and Lyndon LaRouche, LaRouche’s wife Helga Zepp-LaRouche, and three editors of the LaRouche movement magazine, Intelligence Executive Review (IER).
LaRouche, who died at the age of 96 last year, was a convicted fraudster and antisemitic conspiracy theorist, his ideology described by journalist and researcher Chip Berlet as “fascism wrapped in an American flag”, and his conspiracy theories “laced with racial and cultural bigotry and a large dose of anti-Jewish hysteria”. The Anti-Defamation League has written that LaRouche had “a long record of advancing conspiracy theories linking the AIDS crisis, the drug epidemic and international financial crisis to prominent Jews and Jewish organizations”, and The New York Times reports that LaRouche had described Native Americans as “lower beasts”, and claimed that Jews had covertly founded the Ku Klux Klan.
The Guardian has reported that, following the 2003 death of Jeremiah Duggan, a British Jewish student who, after becoming involved with LaRouche supporters, died in mysterious circumstances in Germany, a Scotland Yard report claimed the organisation seems to be “a political cult with sinister and dangerous connections”. Duggan’s death was ruled a suicide by German authorities, but members of Duggan’s family are pushing to have the case reopened.
Unsurprisingly, Bilderberg: The Movie is rife with LaRouche-style conjecture and paranoia. For example, Estulin claims that the Bilderberg group, which was founded in 1954, existed in 1200-1204 in the form of the “Venetian Black Nobility”.
Estulin speaks of “secret spinoff organisations, similar to the Bilderberg group, who play a vital role in the New World Order scheme” to “exert world control”, as an esoteric pyramid diagram appears on screen, bearing categories such as “Original Bavarian Illuminati w/ 13°”, and “Master Witch (3° Summons demons has coven leadership)”. Estulin concludes that conspirators are aiming to abolish nation states and create a “subjugated, culled and dehumanized crop of slaves”.
The documentary also features Mario Borghezio of the Italian far-right party Lega, telling filmmakers that Europe is controlled by “occult powers”. Farage expelled Borghezio from his Europe of Freedom and Democracy group in the European Parliament for racism in 2013. Borghezio had previously been convicted of arson for setting ablaze pallets belonging to immigrants who were living under a bridge in Turin.
In the documentary Farage himself plays into conspiratorial notions, telling the filmmakers:
I’ve tried very hard not to believe in conspiracy theories, but I’ve been here [the European parliament] now for over 15 years, and I can see there is a move towards supranationalism […] I’ve got to know over the years the van Rumpuys, the Schultzs, you know, the Barrosos, even the Junkers, the Timmermans, and it’s completely clear, they actually want to destroy the nation state as a unit.
A few years ago, the Greek Prime Minister said “I’ll give you a referendum”. He was removed and replaced by a former Goldman Sachs director. And whenever the project goes wrong, whether the Euro has a crisis, or the asylum crisis with the borders, every single time there is for these guys an opportunity. It’s known as the “beneficial crisis”.
Soon after the documentary cuts to a sequence during which footage of people living in poverty are juxtaposed with images of Hungarian-American Jewish billionaire philanthropist George Soros, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Mexican economist Agustin Carstens, American Jewish politician Henry Kissinger, and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair at various meetings of the World Economic Forum.
Farage later states:
It is about the building of an Empire. And the paradox of this project, of this supranational European project, is the least popular it becomes with the people, the bigger mess it creates, the more power they get at the centre.
Farage has long shown a willingness to rub shoulders with conspiracy theorists and to engage in conspiratorial rhetoric.
Farage and his press aide Dan Jukes have been photographed with American conspiracy theorist Jack Posobiec, a key figure in spreading the “Pizzagate” conspiracy theory, which alleged that a Washington DC pizzeria was a front for a paedophile ring that stretched to the top of the Democratic Party. Brexit Party figures including Farage, Jukes, and MEPs Michael Heaver, Martin Daubney and Nathan Gill have all retweeted Posobiec’s content.
The Guardian has detailed the ways in which Farage has tailored his language on his multiple appearances on the American fake news channel InfoWars, writing that “what becomes evident is that Farage has conspiracy theories of his own: primarily that the EU is part of a wider plot to usher in world government”.
HOPE not hate has also exposed extensive links of figures close to Farage to InfoWars Editor-at-Large Paul Joseph Watson, who is a close associate of Farage’s press aide Dan Jukes, and MEP Michael Heaver. Heaver, Jukes and Farage have retweeted Watson a staggering combined total of 877 times (695 of them Heaver).
We have also exposed that Brexit Party MEPs have also appeared on the antisemitic, David Icke-affiliated radio broadcast The Richie Allen Show, a key online platform for Holocaust deniers and conspiratorial antisemites.
See also: