How do we tackle the extremist threat?

How should we face the extremist threat? Nick Lowles & Nick Ryan examine one of the most vexing problems facing society today.

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The woman who calls out extremists

Sara Khan speaks to HOPE not hate magazine about her role as head of the Commission for Countering Extremism and the Government’s counter-extremism strategy.

16/09/2020 - Nick Ryan
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anjem choudary is speaking to a group of people outside
We must not let extremists like Anjem Choudary or ‘Tommy Robinson’ divide us

Anjem Choudary is a dangerous extremist. The hatred that he has spread over the past two decades, and the number of people that he has…

19/10/2018 - Qari Asim
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Why did a Tory MP host an anti-Muslim extremist in Parliament?

Conservative MP for Harrow East, Bob Blackman, has serious questions to answer after he hosted an event in Parliament which featured a known anti-Muslim extremist,…

27/10/2017 - Jemma Levene
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