The Fringe & The Far Right: Racist Pseudoscience Conference in Norway
Ben van der Merwe writes about the far-right activists and crackpot “scientists” from around the world descending on Oslo for the Scandza Forum.
European Far Right Head to Key US Conference
The seventeenth annual conference of white nationalist organisation, American Renaissance, is to run from the 17-19 May at the Montgomery Bell State Park lodge in…
‘Waking Up’ to Hate: European and American Far Right Convene in Lithuania Tomorrow
Organised by the Lithuanian “Ethnofuturistic Youth Assembly”, Kryptis, the event titled ‘Prabudimas’ (‘Awakening’) will feature speakers from Lithuania, Germany and Estonia alongside its US visitors….
Katie Hopkins promotes far-right event featuring infamous antisemite
Once a television personality and columnist for The Sun and Mail Online, Katie Hopkins has continued her descent into the far-right gutter by publicising a conference…