The End of Liberty

Hardly an earthquake in political terms, but the often hilarious far-right party Liberty GB has decided to throw the towel in. Its leader and loveable clown, Paul…

28/11/2017 - Matthew Collins
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Far-right “troll” jailed

A member of the tiny ‘Liberty GB’ party who billed himself as a ‘right-wing radio host’  has been jailed for 12 weeks for sending offensive…

28/04/2017 - Duncan Cahill
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British ‘Counter-Jihad’ Activists Cross the Atlantic

Tagging along is Jack Buckby the former BNP member turned press officer for both PegidaUK and LibertyGB. CPAC 2016 On Thursday Weston spoke at the…

04/03/2016 - Joe Mulhall
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The English Are Coming

Strangely today’s demonstration in Denmark was organised from Britain with instructions for the day being posted on the events Facebook page by Jack Buckby, the…

24/01/2016 - Joe Mulhall
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