Swansea: Was that it ?

Matthew Collins - 09 03 13

Well, after all the bluster from the Nazis that have converged on Swansea it appears their tiny show of strength has come to an end.

To catch up a little, the assorted rabble was placed on a bus and transported to their demonstration point, The National Waterfront Museum, where they were allowed a short time to wave their Nazi flags and throw a few Nazi salutes to each other.

A few families with children visiting the nearby leisure centre looked on with horror and confusion as the booze fueled brigade of boneheads achieve nothing apart from making themselves look a little stupid.

The Nazis were heavily outnumbered by very noisy anti fascists to the ratio of 5:1.

As soon as the Nazi-Fest had started it was over and the collection of racists made their way to the Railway Inn on Siloh Road close to the Liberty Stadium.

Later, Blood and Honour will be hosting a Nazi concert in the area, A tribute to the racist band Violent Storm who had four members of the band killed in a car crash in 1992.


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