Bill’s bad Olympics

Matthew Collins - 13 08 12
Baker: Desperate "patriot" wanted a terror attack

Baker: Desperate "patriot" wanted a terror attack

There are few people on the extreme far-right more vociferous in their hatred of all the good things about this country than Bill Baker.

So vociferous is Bill while stumped up at home in Canvey Island in Essex, that quite often the police find themselves having to visit Bill and remove his computer, which he thinks is somewhat of a badge of honour.

So full of hatred is Bill, that he can spot an Islamic-Marxist conspiracy taking hold even in his underwear drawer. I kid you not, he sees it everywhere. He’s even been as far as to call for attacks and assaults on people that he does not like, which is seemingly everyone that does not appear in his mirror in the morning.

Even the EDL grew sick of him. They kicked Bill out over a year ago after a tragic incident at one of their demonstrations. No more was Bill allowed to swagger with beer can in hand around EDL demonstrations accusing the Leadership of being drug dealers.

As British athletes collected gold medals during the Olympic games, Baker sat in doors and fumed as British athletes won medals and celebrated our modern and diverse country.

Bill has woken up this morning perhaps feeling a little silly. Or at least, more silly than usual. Bill promised the world that Muslim terrorists were going to attack the games. He promised that he had some kind of insider knowledge of the event and seemed to positively welcome the idea of one.

He’s just a silly, sad old man it seems.

Sad: Bill wishing to be proved right

Sad: Bill wishing to be proved right


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