Kevin Scott (centre): Likely to be frozen out should the party grow..
65 people made it to the launch of the British Democratic Party in rural Leicestershire today.
Despite Nick Griffin claiming there was only 31 people at the meeting, and the BDP is set to claim over 100, HOPE not hate have the precise figure. No elections were held for party positions, with the party’s founding group deciding they will run the party by committee for the moment, with Kevin Scott remaining nominal chair.
£1300 was raised in the collection, but this included a single £1000 donation. Hope Not Hate got a mention, seems as they feel we are the biggest threat to their new Nazi party.
For some reason party founder Adrian Davies mentioned I live on a council estate! Is that going to be a crime should the BDP ever get to power? We will produce a full account of the meeting in the next edition of the HOPE not hate magazine.