Far-right round up

Matthew Collins - 09 05 14
Griffin: Keeping an eye on the Jews

Griffin: Keeping an eye on the Jews

This promises to be a busy weekend. The English Defence League (EDL) will be defending their right to get drunk and arrested in Rotherham, South Yorkshire.

According to the local paper, the cost for policing this booze fest is £500,000. With 1000 police officers on duty it will also work out to be something like five police officers for every drunken racist that bothers to turn up.

The National Front (NF), but not the officialNF, is holding an anti-Muslim demonstration in Newcastle on the same day. Interestingly, there has been a lot of sniping between the NF and the EDL over their rival demonstrations. There was a time, six months ago, when it looked like the entire far-right was going to kiss and make up. I guess this will not happen now and the NF’s boneheaded brigade in the North East are determined to kill off the EDL. No doubt they’ll all be passing each other on the motorway, both of them heading to tiny demonstrations.

It'll be huge: One car, one flag, no braincells

It’ll be huge: One car, one flag, no braincells

It’s been another not-too- busy week for the British National Party, too. Joy of the week, for me, was watching a twenty minute video where Adam Walker instructs people how to stand in a town centre shouting through a megaphone that the BNP is the fastest growing party in Britain. Make sure you follow Adam’s instructions properly folks, doing it on your own, totally ignored by shoppers and the rest of the world.

NF: Thicker than the EDL?

NF: Thicker than the EDL?

Nick Griffin will be happy that he finally made the news, but possibly not too happy about the content. One of his lunatic rants about Jewish conspiracies was recorded by police officers and the content of it has just been released. These are desperate times for Griffin, what with him having to empty his office this week, but turning to the drug dealers, police grasses and animal abusers for help this weekend in putting out BNP literature shows how low the party has really sunk.

Busy: Drugs and fascism the likely cocktail

Busy: Drugs and fascism the likely cocktail

Don’t expect much to come of Britain First’s offer to send in the troops to help Nigel Farage. Nigel appears to have enough help from the rival BNP already.

Britain First know a thing or two about sinking low. Last night they claimed they needed £500 to re-edit their election broadcast after the “fascist” BBC, according to Britain First, stopped it being broadcast. Not that it will make any difference to the idiots who at once gave them their money. But the BBC did not ban their broadcast at all. It seems the censors demanded that the children shown in the broadcast had consent forms signed by their parents before they could appear. So, here is the confusing bit: Did Britain First send a cameraman out to just film young children without their parents consent?

Or, how come the broadcast was deemed OK by ITV and shown after the news last night in the Borders region? And isn’t it actually true, Britain First, that all the BBC wanted to do was actually, other than ensure the safety of those children, just synchronise the broadcast with other BBC regions?

So, people coughed up their monies that no doubt covered the £500 some amateur charges Britain First for half an hour’s work. And what else did they get as well as that alleged £500? Paul Golding claims he spent four nights sleeping with “our young technical team”. Maybe the BBC should look into that, also.

Money: More cash for 'Dowson First'

Money: More cash for ‘Dowson First’


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