Jack Renshaw: Missing from Thunderbirds
Let’s begin with the British National Party (BNP). Continuing the form that saw Nick Griffin get the elbow, they came second last in Spennymoor last night-the new leader’s home patch.
Their youth “liaison officer” Jack Renshaw has also been complaining that he has been spat on while studying in Manchester. Given that he has run a campaign of racism and intimidation of other students while there, attempted to run a boycott of a taxi firm that got him to a lecture late, tried to give away his “Gay” dog, led a campaign of homophobia and other things that silly little Nazi boys get up to, he should be relieved it is not a lot worse. Unable to secure a proper leadership position, he’ll be back in his Thunderbirds costume very soon…
Insiders in the BNP’s youth wing are not impressed that Jack has also been described as their “leader”.
If that isn’t bad enough, it now appears that the BNP has been entertaining the weird and lurid world of self appointed Fuhrer Josh Bonehill. Bonehill has recently been advertising the position of “co-founder” for his own Nazi party, of which he is both a kind of Adolf and Eva character, who interviews himself in his bedroom for the wonders of the internet. Last week Bonehill he was out and about in Yeovil (well, at the Wetherspoons, anyway,) and interviewed a chap who complained about all the folks moving to Yeovil from the Polish capital Walsall…
Bonehill: The BNP’s very own Ebola virus
Bonehill models his speaking style on that of the departed and unlamented BNP founder John Tyndall. He stands and talks like he has an ironing board inserted somewhere. Unlike Tyndall though, Bonehill has very little chance of teaming up with a perfume heiress. Maybe instead he could ask his Mummy to help accommodate Jack Renshaw among those union jack curtains, tea towels, bed sheets and socks that he has shoved under his bed.
The entire far-right is heading to Rotherham for a weekend of which they hope will be some kind of ethnic cleansing. Nazis like nothing more than the abuse of kids. The BNP are meeting at midday tomorrow in a supermarket car park to put out leaflets that appear to be very close to breaking the law. While last night the English Defence League (EDL) and Britain First (morons) almost traded blows over who had the right to occupy the forecourt of the police station there.
Of course, it didn’t take long before it turned into a massive piss-up and “camp EDL” degenerated into a camp of violence, alcohol and racist abuse. By the way, if the police are wondering who the charmer was who had a toilet break up against their wall, his name is Paul McKenzie from Billingham in Teeside. He’s already due up for sentencing for his antics in Birmingham last year.
Golding and co: After McDonalds & Vodka