Well, Stephen Lennon’s announcement that he is to return to full blown rioting as part of his anti-Muslim war against tourism has caused a bit of a stir.
Lennon’s old gang, the English Defence League (EDL), were rather lukewarm to hear of it. Given that there is only a tiny number of them left, and most of the gang have now split away to engage in anti-refugee activities or drug peddling elsewhere, that is not surprising.
The best bit about Lennon’s return is the announcement that among other places there will be rallies on February 6th, is Czechoslovakia. Brilliant!
Lennon has quietly been cherry picking for his new gang all those current, former and remaining members that still love him. They’ve called themselves, ‘Team Tommy.’ Genius. Their leader has been Lennon’s personal assistant Hel Gower. Gower has been running the very unsupportive, ‘EDL Support Group’ since she joined Lennon in quitting the group proper.
Gower has been leading the calls for the EDL to disband and she has not changed her tune in the last 24 hours, either!
Gower: It’s funny because it’s true
Also, as if almost by magic, the EDL has now had its Facebook page hacked by persons unknown…
EDL: Surely if they’ll work it out..
The person with most to lose by Lennon appearing back on the rent- a- racist- riot scene, is of course, Paul Golding of Britain First. Things have been very tough for the group lately, but one can confirm that Facebook did actually and really pull the plug on them yesterday before having a change of heart. The change of heart was probably after Golding paid what he owed them for advertising. That and the likely fact that by having a million followers, Facebook must think that is good for business.
Golding has long feared the return of Lennon, who despite his faults, it’s fair to say is more convincing, more charming and less wooden than Golding. It’s not really much of a contest though, is it?
Golding called for a rally by Britain First in Dewsbury at the end of January in early November, but no-one was really sure whether he had the stomach to go ahead with it. Whether he had advanced knowledge or Lennon’s plan or not, is open to debate.
Golding is now ramping and stepping up the calls for people to go to Dewsbury on the 30th January in the desperate hope he can exhaust people’s desire to watch the Messiah’s return a week later. Did I say Messiah? I meant naughty boy.
Lennon’s return is also bad news for what remains of the neo-Nazi gangs in Britain. Last weekend they were all rallying around another narcissist, Jack Sen, who believes he can save the world from Jewish domination. Apparently he wants to merge a host of tiny groups under his leadership and call it the ‘Jack Sen Five.’
That’s a joke, by the way.