BNP conference suffers unexplained absences…

Matthew Collins - 21 11 16
Jefferson: Missing- as are the accounts

Jefferson: Missing- as are the accounts

It’s been a long time since London was considered some kind of epicentre of the far-right. But, the nation’s capital is nothing if not awash with phone boxes.

So, down to the shadow of The Shard went the British National Party on the weekend for another instalment in a long and painful drawn out political death.

In writing up their conference as “brilliant” and “superb” and surprisingly, “professional”, I would like to give top marks to the party’s PR Monster, Charlie Wythe, who is the BNP’s Head of Publicity.

Wythe: Tells the BNP he's the best in the business

Wythe: Tells the BNP he’s the best in the business

Yes, Wythe lives in Austria which is why one may feel the BNP’s publicity machine is a little less oiled than it could be. Still, writing up his rare appearance at a BNP event, Wythe has written breathlessly “We are very fortunate in the British National Party to have the best Head of Publicity in the business, Charlie Wythe.”

Nice work, Charlie.

Sadly, for the party, only forty three people attended the conference.

One person (amongst the other 296 paid up members) who did not attend, was party Treasurer and Deputy Chairman, Clive Jefferson.

White Vaans: Quit in despair

White Vaans: Quit in despair

So you will all be surprised to hear that once more, there was no chance for the party’s leadership team to view the party’s accounts. No? Us neither.

Chris Vaans, the party’s hard working organiser from Burnley has finally had enough and quit.

It’s all enough to make you laugh.


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