Uncles hits new low

Sarah Archibald - 13 01 17
Steve Uncles, a moral bankrupt.

The English Democrats’ Steve Uncles has once again exploited tragedy in a bid to promote hatred towards Muslims.

On his open Facebook page the one time candidate for Kent’s Police & Crime Commissioner decided to comment on the tragic death of seven year-old Katie Rough. A 15 year-old girl has been remanded in custody accused of her murder.

Like the rest of us, Uncles knows little of the circumstances of the case. Unlike the rest of us he’s not prepared to let justice take its course, instead deciding to offer up his own peculiar and highly distasteful commentary. There’s no thought given to the ongoing police enquiry, nor to the fact that a family is grieving the loss of their young daughter.

Uncles’ Facebook post

Uncles has form for commenting upon and even trying to disrupt police investigations, as we reported last year. Again in that case his intervention was driven by his hatred of Muslims.

This moral bankrupt also showed scant sympathy for the murder of MP Jo Cox. Following her death he posted that Jo had “turned her back on her own kind” and “let white English girls down.”

Given the offensive, injudicious and sometimes prejudicial nature of Uncles’ social media outbursts, it’s perhaps now time for the Kent Police to knock on the door of a man who once had ambitions to oversee their force?


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