- UKIP NEC member shares white nationalist propaganda
- Reveals appalling Islamophobic views
- Calls party leader Paul Nuttall a “C**t”
Katie Fanning, an elected member of UKIP’s National Executive Committee (NEC), has alleged there is an ongoing “white genocide” and “Muslim plans” to “outbreed” British people in order to install an Islamic dictatorship in the UK.
HOPE not hate can reveal that Fanning, 27, has a history of making racist and extreme Islamophobic claims in both public Facebook posts and private messages to Jay Beecher, campaign manager for former UKIP leadership contender, Lisa Duffy.
In one post to the “Young Liberal Society” Facebook group, Fanning wrote “Diversity = white genocide”, which was “being enforced through the lefts [sic] cultural Marxist agenda”.
White genocide is a term long-used in racist circles to refer to a deliberate campaign of mass immigration, integration and miscegenation conducted by sinister (and often Jewish) elites.
Alongside this claim Fanning posted a video titled “’Diversity’ is a codeword for white genocide”, originally posted by the “alt-right” Facebook page “Politically Incorrect Broadcast”. The video features news clips commenting on demographic changes in the UK and US underscored by dramatic music.
Also featured in the video is a clip of Paul Weston, leader of the far-right party Liberty GB, quoting sections of the UN’s definition of “genocide”, in which the term is held to cover “deliberately inflicting” on a group “conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part”. The video finishes with a call to support ThisIsEuropa, a group established in 2012 which now claims to be “one of the largest pro-White communities online”.
When challenged, Fanning posted a lengthy defence of the video, claiming that those dismissing her claims are “as bad as the cultural Marxists who are destroying our Nation and its people”.
In another public post she said that, despite attempts to “fool us”, all Muslims follow an “evil ideology” that aims to “make the UK an Islamic country by outbreeding us and corrupting infiltrating our politics” and to install Sharia law and “[make] us an Islamic dictatorship”.
In another post she praised Russian leader Vladmir Putin after he was apparently quoted in fake news outlet Nos Comunicamos, saying he would kill “every Muslim” if ISIS bombed a Russian city. According to Fanning this alleged threat made him a “strong leader” worthy of “respect” as he “will turn the whole country to glass if pushed”.
Despite displaying such alarming views, in December 2016 Fanning was elevated to a position of serious influence within the party when she became one of 12 NEC members who make up the principal management and administrative authority of UKIP.
Fanning quickly rose up the ranks after joining UKIP in 2014, and became the National Deputy Chairman of the Young Independence youth wing (YI) in early 2016. The YI group has come under fire for appalling racist and sexist language and “alt-right” terminology encouraged by YI leader Jamie Ross McKenzie.
Fanning’s former colleague Jay Beecher, who worked closely with Evans and Nuttall’s principal political advisor Patrick O’Flynn, told HOPE not hate that he initially made contact with Fanning after being tasked by leadership hopeful Lisa Duffy to investigate racism within the YI, and that Fanning soon began making her extreme views known to him.
In private messages to Beecher, she claimed that she had contributed towards exposing “the links between local government, elitists political, business, lobbyists and the Muslim pedo gangs that they buy kids from.”
In another message unlikely to ingratiate herself with her bosses, Fanning called UKIP leader Paul Nuttall and former leader Suzanne Evans “self serving c*nts”.
Beecher has since left UKIP and released a book alleging racism and outright corruption within the party. Beecher told HOPE not hate:
“The failure of UKIP to vet any candidates or to set out any criteria is a dangerous, irresponsible and rather amateur move. It’s clear that certain individuals, including Katie Fanning, are attempting to turn UKIP into an extreme far right party or ‘BNP lite’.
“Many of my former colleagues have contacted me expressing their worries over the recent appointments and the direction that the party is taking. The irony is that individuals such as Fanning believe that they are actually opposing extremism when in reality they are promoting it. At the moment a vote for UKIP is an endorsement for such shady characters.”