As part of an irregular series in looking at what has happened to members of the far-right since we last mentioned them, today we are really going to look at the naughty nasties on the spectrum.
First cab off the rank is National Action’s (NA) former Lithuanian graffiti artist, ‘Ivan the Lithuanian Lion’ who sprayed racist rubbish on walls in London for a couple of years- while at the same time engaging in pederasty. I’ll take their word for it, that he got confused with his words and what he meant to say was ‘skateboarding’. After all, one Ryan Fleming in the gang is enough for anyone, eh lads?
Anyway, Ivan ran off back to Lithuania last year with his pockets full of NA’s sweetie money. Whether he was really going to buy detonators or an American sweetheart off the internet depended on who he was asking for the cash.
Anyway, Ivan’s now turned up in the arms of a similar sort of deformed neo-Nazi art project over in Lithuanian, and he is back to his old tricks. This time he’s been demanding money to come back here and perform the same sort of stunt. Previously we named him as Jovaras Darulis, but we are now pleased to confirm his real name is Aivaras Darulis.
Well, that’s the name he used on his credit card to pay for an American woman of blond, Russian extraction to visit him in Lithuania with the view to being his wife. Needless to say, he’s been had. Like the rest of National Action…
Talking of naughty boys, how’s the form of Mark Pearson from Pelton, near Chester le Street? Pearson has a criminal record with more than 80 convictions including eight for public order offences, one of which was racially aggravated.
Having only just been released on license for his part in the neo-Nazi riot in Dover last year, Pearson is already making plans to dish out some form of ‘justice’ to fellow Nazis he feels let him down while he was inside. The list should be endless, but it is also a breach of your terms and conditions, Mr Pearson. Still, that probably won’t stop him and it appears to be getting a few other neo-Nazis in the North East hot under the collar. Pearson is aligned to the North East Infidels (NEI), the Sunderland based gang that has been having a war of words with the Sunderland Defence League (SDL), mainly over who did the rioting in Dover and who did no rioting at all.
News that Pearson is out and not happy, will not be good news for SDL leader Billy Charlton and he has already began to think of ways to placate the irrepressible Mr Pearson. I guess a phone call to the probation services is your best bet again, eh Billy?
And finally, a ‘big up’ to Pamela Brannigan who has managed to survive all that life can throw at her over these past few years of fascist fanaticism and still survive. Back in 2013, we exposed her ripping off the charity ‘Help for Heroes’ in her native Sunderland.
Then she got involved in a horrendous spat with ‘Mother of the year’ Deborah Jemson over the long forgotten John Riley which managed to derail the entire membership of the English Defence League’s (EDL) incestuous ‘Jeremy Kyle Brigade’ who operated around the bedrooms, bedsits, toilets and bathrooms of the EDL in the North East. [Yes, we know all about that episode.] Having survived all of that, more recently Brannigan has been branded a ‘lefty’ by the aforementioned Billy Charlton of Sunderland infamy.
Fascist watchers in London were surprised to see Brannigan is now active in London with the South East Alliance (SEA), Britain’s premier gang of clowns, wallies and racists, looking as if she’d spent the money she stole from wounded soldiers on a complete makeover for herself.
However, it now looks like Brannigan is back on the move again and has re-found her northern soul and joined with other northern fascists in the attacks on Paul Prdoromou who leads the SEA.