BNP candidate Gary Lucas getting upset last night
The BNP are in panic mode this morning after a number of embarrassing exposures of the true thoughts and feelings of their Candidates’ have been aired in various newspapers.
Of course, some will try and laugh it off or ride it out, while for others the ramifications could prove far more serious. When in doubt, or in regular parlance “caught out” the BNP are telling their candidates to say that their emails or facebook accounts have been “hacked”.
Others just have to confess they’ve been had. Take Gary James Lucas, a BNP candidate in Knowsley in Merseyside. Some of his more choice online comments formed part of an article in the Independent newspaper last week about the true nature of the BNP.
Lucas posts as Gary Huyton on facebook and is absolutely furious that comments that were not even attributed to him by the Independent still made it into the paper. What we didn’t tell the paper is that not only is Lucas either a current or very recent steward at Liverpool football club, but also has a habit of referring to black and Asian people as either “n******” or “p****” . He also labours under the illusion that “blacks were better off under apartheid”. Some of his other filth is not worth repeating here. Knowing he was caught out,Lucas seemed to be quite upset last night.
Steven Moore the BNP’s Northern Ireland organiser has also apparently claimed that his facebook account was hacked when references to killing Celtic manager Neil Lennon were made on his account. The Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) has said that they will investigate any complaint made against Moore for his alleged comments.
Moore, who has a habit of making sickening racist and sectarian remarks is not claiming however that jokes about raping his work colleagues were the work of a hacker.
Of course, it’s not just on facebook and the internet that Searchlight has being doing the damage to the fascists. For nearly fifty years we have been exposing them and their thuggery, corruption, terrorism and violence.
Some of these BNP folks do not even know who they’re sitting next to in their meetings or on the bus, even…
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Moore: Another BNP sick joke