As the Belfast employment tribunal has just broken for lunch, it gives me a chance to update the blog with some of this morning’s proceedings.
Marion Thomas, sister in law of Jim Dowson has been giving evidence this morning and describes most of what the BNP are saying in the tribunal as rubbish.
Thomas alleges that Jennifer Matthys, daughter of BNP leader Nick Griffin took £900 from one of the BNP’s bank accounts to correct an error made by her husband Angus regarding the BNP’s postage.
When the matter of Marion Thomas’s false imprisonment was brought up, Patrick Harrington, the BNP’s legal advisor objected to it being discussed in the tribunal as he said it was a criminal matter.
The BNP spoke of one meeting that they claimed took place between BNP party manager Adam Walker and Marion Thomas where they claim a discussion took place regarding her redundancy. Thomas claims no such meeting happened as she claims Walker was on a boat home to England at the time of the supposed meeting.
At regular occurrences throughout the hearing, the Vice President of the employment panel has had to warn the BNP members present for disrupting the hearing by talking in the tribunal .
The hearing continues.