Peter King harassing Big Issue salesperson
It’s not very often that you will find anything interesting on Simon Darby’s blog.
Let’s face it in the sphere of far right politics it has to be one of the more dull attempts by the BNP to spin their version of political claptrap.
Normally overflowing with pictures of dead wildlife and what Simon has had for his lunch, yesterday’s offering for a change made me raise an eyebrow.
It seems the once deputy leader of the BNP is amused by a convicted violent racist thug.
Using the title “Big Issshhhuuueee” Darby explains “Thought I would share this amusing photograph that I found on a well known social networking site this morning. Capturing the ubiquitous Big Issue beggar as featured in virtually every town in the UK”
The photograph shows ex Hartlepool BNP organiser Peter King sat with a BNP placard harassing an Eastern European Big Issue salesperson.
This would be the same Peter King who was convicted of racially aggravated harassment and possessing an offensive weapon at Teesside Crown Court in 2010?
King, told an Asian woman to “go back to your own country” when he saw her in the aisles of his local supermarket. He then launched a tirade of racist abuse at the woman.
The same King who threatened a neighbour with an ornamental mace in 2010 after a minor dispute.
The same Peter King who was convicted of assaulting Kieren Trent, the leader of the BNP youth wing “Resistance” after King found out Trent was having an affair with his estranged partner Cheryl Dunn, the onetime BNP regional organiser for the North East. The attack, witnessed by a number of BNP officials was so violent it put Kieren Trent in hospital.
Cheryl Dunn described her relationship with King as “violent and abusive”
The same thug who was sent to prison in June of this year for assault occasioning actual bodily harm after attacking someone in the street.
However, Peter King won’t be too amused that Simon Darby has used the photograph of him either.
He has fallen out of love with the BNP, blaming the party for wrecking his relationship with Dunn and in his own words “Destroying my family”
On Facebook King claimed “I don’t give a fuck what people think I’ve done nothing wrong, I used to love the BNP now I detest it. It’s fucked our lives up bled us dry n affected my children (sic) n caused me nowt but trouble (sic).”
Still laughing Simon?
King shows his unhappiness.