Tim Ablitt and British Freedom

Matthew Collins - 30 11 11
Tim Ablitt

Tim Ablitt

The miniscule political party “British Freedom” has just announced that they have appointed a new organiser for Dorset, Tim Ablitt.

The Party also confirms that Ablitt is the South West organiser for the violent English Defence League (EDL).

Ablitt, who just today called the millions of striking public sector workers “Left wing parasites” was given the job following the EDL’s national meeting held in Birmingham earlier this month, where it was announced that the EDL would be linking up with the tiny British Freedom, a party formed by ex BNP activists.

Ablitt is the same EDL activist that was arrested in July 2010 following an operation by armed police who suspected the EDL of attempting to blow up a Bournemouth mosque.

Police marksmen shot the tyres out on a van and arrested seven EDL activists including Ablitt, on suspicion of conspiracy to cause an explosion at the mosque.

The suspects were held at Poole police station and a police station in Southampton and were eventually all released without charge.


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