You may be aware that Old Nick Griffin has been on the Euro gravy train again this week.
Old Nick’s been in Russia lauding post-Soviet democracy in a capacity that his party, the BNP, would describe as ‘experienced Independent observer’.
To be fair, Griffin has observed more election defeats than most political leaders in this country, but he’s about as independent an observer as Kenny Dalglish would be at an England qualifier!
The BNP’s views on our democratic system are well known. It would presumably work a lot better (for them) if 99.6% of the current voting public were denied their legal right to vote, therefore ensuring that the BNP get the sort of electoral recognition they think that years of bomb making, violence and racist murder richly deserve!
One of Old Nick’s bug bears is postal voting. The BNP used to try everything possible to make it work for them. I even recall one year when one BNP organiser managed to lose about 800 of the slippery buggers on his way to work and also at the same time, lose the BNP a council seat.
So Nick’s had a change of mind. “In Britain, people register to vote by post and are allowed to vote by post or without providing any proof of who they are in the polling station.
“Sadly, the corruption of the British system goes way beyond the postal vote scandal,” says Mr. Griffin. “I will be publishing a full report contrasting the British and Russian systems in due course….a few of the ways in which Putin’s Russia is more democratic than Cameron’s UK Banana Republic”.
So it’s out with the postal votes and in with Russian style democracy for Nick. Of course, concedes Nick, not every observer is totally happy with the Russian election results. However, Old Nick knows all about that:
“None of them had a good word to say about Prime Minister Putin or his United Russia Party, but none of them could give me any evidence of electoral fraud either. That’s more than can be said of affair in Britain”.
Not quite sure what he meant by the last bit, but then Old Nick did bizarrely tweet me last night that he wanted a cabbage for his tea. I’ll have to assume that is another change of his underworked mind. Perhaps too he should tell people in a more forthright manner when he’s had a change of mind.
We get to hear a lot in our office about who is in and who is out of favour in the Griffin camp. We even knew Stephen Palmer was “quitting” his job at the BNP website before he did, apparently. And we also hear there are big plans for Michael Stewart who is very friendly with the Walker brothers but no-one is allowed to tell Chris Barnett who currently does their IT work as he is described as “highly strung”.
But all that aside, surely someone should tell poor old Angus Mathys. Known as “Trigger” to his colleagues, nobody told the poor husband of Griffin’s daughter Jenny about the postal vote turn around.
There’s a lot of rumours at the moment about the former post room boy’s inability to deliver a number of things to the Griffins, but try as he might, Angus just cannot catch a trick.
While his Fuhrer-in-law was swanning around Russia like a parasitical Romanov statesman, young Angus was stumped up with his missus in front of the computer writing us an exciting update as to how he remains on the party payroll now that there are no more buckets of Belfast excrement to wade through. Jenny was sitting next to him as they take turns putting up great amounts of text about the Leader’s latest bright sparks in something not disimiliar to what might happen on the only computer in Pyongyang. And what does Angus write?
“At the latest joint Allerdale and Copeland meeting in Cumbria this week, four of our local councillors set about collecting postal vote application forms. There was fierce but friendly competition between the Allerdale secretary and the Copeland organiser – super activists and cllrs Dawn Charlton and Malcolm Southward – to see who could collect the most applications”.
Yes, poor little Angus. So far out of the loop and so considerably further down the pecking order now that Griffin is apparently the GrandFuhrer of the new baby Jesus he has found himelf doing the Devil’s work. Again.