Griffin’s Chianti Christmas message

Matthew Collins - 10 12 11
Griffin's Xmas address: Will still be boring, even from Italy.

Griffin’s Xmas address: Will still be boring, even from Italy.

Not only does Old Nick think he’s the GrandFuhrer of the Baby Jesus he has really taken the idea of issuing Christmas messages to a new level.

As the BNP membership continues to slide it appears that there is nothing Old Nick won’t do to personally ensure everyone gets a little bit of that Griffin Christmas magic (unless of course you’re his beleaguered son-in-law).

Tonight, Old Nick will be in Italy (which as far as we’re aware is not part of his European constituency), as the Griffin gravy train continues its magnificent European sojourn from meeting one extremist to another.

Today he’s at a demonstration in Stockholm. What a life, eh?

This has of course caused some logistical problems for the Fuhrer. Having been embarrassed by the blog on here in November about the BNP having no North East beanfeast this year, the comrades up there have thrown together a little shindig and a few tatty old time pieces to stick in a raffle in the hope they can enthuse their dwindling membership that all is well.

Many congratulations to them, too. Christmas in the North East would be nothing without the BNP having a drunken brawl and a few public domestic disputes.

Unfortunately, the leader cannot make it. Instead, he’ll be phoning in to the party to deliver a personal Christmas message, one that will uplift the members while he’s no doubt enjoying a fine Chianti elsewhere.

Not only can you not stop Christmas (though they have tried), you cannot stop Nick Griffin having a good time.

Buon Natale as they say…


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