While the EDL are stomping around Leicester tomorrow, their illegitimate offspring the “Infidels” will be in Rochdale to in the eloquent words of their most literate (and deranged) member, “drive dem Pakis in2 d sea” (sic, sic, sic and yes, sick!)
We are of course being reminded constantly that snow is forecast for across the country tomorrow. Here at the HNH weather centre we reckon most of the “snow” in Leicester and Rochdale will most likely be consumed off mirrors and toilet seats by the competing gangs of drug dealers, crack-heads racists, weirdos, speed-freaks, narks and police informers that make up both of these rival gangs.
Of course, there is a competition between the two gangs as to not just who is the most lumpen, but as to who can get the most people at their demonstration.
Tin-Pot Tommy’s EDL were just about shading it with their proposed march through Leicester until a Nazi big gun stepped up to the plate for the Infidels.
Not many of you will be aware of who David Jones is. He is a member of a tiny political sect called the British People’s Party (BPP) whose main activity other than excessive consumption of Bostick, has been churning out paedophile Nazis who want to blow stuff up.
Jones has a reputation as a bit of a “village idiot” in the village of Todmorden, West Yorkshire from where he hardly ever ventures. As well as constantly putting out leaflets in the village warning that the local phone box could be turned into a Mosque, he also likes to trawl from pub to pub in long black rain coats trying to look like his hero George Lincoln Rockwell.
Well, it’s off to Rochdale for Dave tomorrow. He’s also bringing all of his friends with him. He’s off the fence on this one almost as much as he is off the planet most of the time.
So, hats off to Dave and the BPP. Their tiny size could of course be the reason why Dave is actually and more truthfully always trying to save that village phone box. It’s a bold move.
Keep your eyes peeled fashion watchers. Here’s a few pics of Dave in action…