Bad start to the day for the Infidels

Matthew Collins - 04 02 12
Poor Connor: He's really missed the bus...

Poor Connor: He’s really missed the bus…

Serial clown Connor McCoy has apparently missed the bus to Rochdale. A friend of ours tells us that Connor, who also supports Everton, is often the victim of sectarian “gags” by his fellow Infidels. Apparently some of them are none too impressed.

We’ve just been told by one of our number travelling with them, that Connor was also planning to go and see Everton v Wigan after the Rochdale demo and some among their number are already a “few cans” into their journey and being rather uncharitable and are suggesting that poor Connor is showing more loyalty to his religion and football club then he is to his racial comrades.

Poor lad, at least he won’t be around the alcohol today.


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