Ivan’s Nuclear Solution

Matthew Collins - 14 02 12
Protest outside The Argentine Embassy

Protest outside The Argentine Embassy

I’m a bit of a news addict and have been keeping a firm eye on the TV regarding the increased tensions between the UK and Argentina over the Falkland Islands.

We are fast approaching the 30th anniversary of the Falklands War that took place between the two countries back in 1982.

With just under 1,000 men and women killed in the conflict, that lasted just a few short months, it’s scary to think that the rhetoric over the islands has been ramped up between the two sides in recent times.

However, it is with some unease that I read of the EDL and their assorted cronies in other tinpot organisations are starting to show more than a passing interest in the diplomatic breakdown with Argentina.

Just last weekend a dozen bigots protested outside The Argentine Embassy in Westminster under the “March for England” banner, with Dave Smeeton, the MFE leader from Fareham being arrested for attempting to burn an Argentine flag.

There is one EDL supporter who would like to escalate the matter just a little bit further.

Ivan Humble, Organiser from the Lowestoft area and regular face at all the EDL demonstrations believes that we should be using nuclear weapons against the South American country.

Nothing like keeping a sense of proportion Ivan ?

Ivan's Nuclear Solution

Ivan’s Nuclear Solution


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