Police must act on last night’s trouble

Matthew Collins - 24 02 12

News this morning that Greater Manchester Police are stepping up patrols around Asian takeaways in Rochdale is a disturbing sign of the times.

Two Asian business premises were attacked last night, cars damaged and a police officer hurt after groups of people took to the streets for some kind of vigilante action against what they believed to be paedophile gang currently at the centre of a trial being heard in Liverpool.

The premises that were attacked have absolutely nothing to do with the court case, as was widely reported, but it did not stop attacks targeted against innocent, hard working people.

Throughout yesterday evening, fascists all over this country gleefully tweeted about the events, exaggerating the events in most cases, but still with reckless joy about what was happening.

Most of what was tweeted will certainly be actionable, much of it most certainly should be seen as incitement.

The BNP obviously seem very happy with the events.

We await the same action against these people that people in London and elsewhere faced last year.


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