Breath test this protest

Matthew Collins - 25 02 12
EDL: making plans for more drunken violence

EDL: making plans for more drunken violence

The EDL coach has not long left Newcastle bound for Hyde. Seems they have had to take the whole region on one coach and not in lots of separate coaches like in their “prime” when they could muster six whole coaches of piss heads, hooligans and drug dealers.

First thing onto the coch was of course, lots and lots of alcohol.

Here they are a little after 0900hrs this morning, some already with beers in their hands.

Their mothers must be so proud if them. Their probation officers surely aren’t.

Hyde is very quiet, but there are lots of police about. A few local youths are hanging around but have of yet not joined the few BNP in the market area. There’s about 40 BNP there, being marshalled by Clive “Rodney” Jefferson.


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