Tubby Nutzi spotted in Heywood

Matthew Collins - 25 02 12
Griffin: If you tolerate him, then your children will be next

Griffin: If you tolerate him, then your children will be next

Having had a depressing morning in Hyde, where the EDL’s tin-pot Fuhrer Tommy Robinson as good as told him to piss off, the desperate Nick Griffin has turned up in Heywood, Rochdale the scene of tensions the other evening.

Griffin has described himself as the head of some kind of “liberating army!” on twitter. I kid you not. He could not insult the memory of Britain’s dead more if he tried for a thousand years.

I will suggest this, that in his vile quest to start a race war, he is worryingly more like the Pied Piper if Hamlin.

His bankrupt party has surrounded itself with children too young to even vote. Perhaps he wants their pocket money?

Here he is, poisoning the minds of young people with racism.


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