Barnett:Full of bright ideas.
The BNP’s IT “specialist” Chris Barnett is a nervous type. Barnett has taken to warning his racial colleagues in the BNP to be careful “if you have to threaten HNH”!
Chris has been on the Facebook page of Pete “not looking for work” Molloy to warn him as much. “You don’t want them knowing your IP address or even your IP range” he warns.
Surely he was not suggesting that the mountains of racist bile posted on our blog comments could be being posted by careless BNP members anonymously, is he?
Chris has been a secretive sort ever since he started doing business in Stockport. He’s gone to all kinds of lengths to protect his anonymity, something that we have never been too bothered about.
Despite wanting to appear flash, suave and aloof, rumour has it that Chris has not paid the council tax on his “mansion” in Highmoor in Wigton, Cumbria.
Hardly the sort of person one would take any advice from. That’s If that really is the case, eh Chris?