Khaw and Jones about to enjoy a pint of race hate?
Claire Khaw’s a strange one. She’s the Chinese woman who ended up in the BNP and for a while along with Nick Griffin, thought that Nick Griffin was the greatest thing since sliced bread. She used to like to live on the edge and hang around with such high brow BNP non-entities as Jeffrey Marshall
The two of them apparently share a hatred of sick children.
While Marshall learnt to be more careful about declaring his hatred, Khaw could not and following a serious threat of violence from some female party members, decided to quit the BNP last year after another one of her infamous outbursts about sick and disabled children.
Khaw describes herself as a “civic nationalist”, though I would prefer the term “collaborator” to describe somebody of her disposition. Undeterred by being run out of the BNP and allegedly losing herself the role of London’s Mayoral candidate for the BNP, Khaw settled down to life with a different group of Holocaust deniers and neo-Nazis.
She was until last weekend a regular at the meetings of the New Right, or IONA as one half now likes to call itself. By all accounts, there was quite a large “elephant” in the corner once all the Nazis and race haters got together with her in the room.
And so at 06.30hrs last Saturday as Khaw was no doubt dreaming of another excellent day in the company of Holocaust deniers and neo-Nazis later that day, she received a text message. The message told her that she was not welcome to attend the meeting. Who knows why? Khaw was looking forward to attending too. This was after all, the “big one”. She was crestfallen.
Pondering it later, Khaw wondered whether the decision could be “racially motivated”. I kid you not! Not only that, it got worse for her. As the Nazi meeting in question was being cancelled the organiser of the secret meet was apparently texting everybody that it was Khaw that had tipped us off about the meeting.
Now she’s really not happy. Never mind the possible racism, she’s actually been accused of doing something decent as well!
Khaw actually thinks that it was the presence of her and Dave Jones “two very important persons” and not the international guests at their great expense that led us to get the meeting cancelled. Obviously, she is a very important person, Jones is too. In fact, he’s the biggest swastika waving, bearded idiot in the entire village of Todmorden.
The two self-styled “VIP’s” spent a lovely day out in London just to prove how important they are and even took photos of each other. What a sight it must have been to see “Desperate Dave” in his swastika t-shirt walking along London’s streets together with a Chinese woman who is persona non grata at secrer Nazi meetings either because she’s red or most likely, in their eyes, because she’s Chinese.
I feel a little sorry for Claire, personally. Not because for some strange reason she likes to spend time in the company of people who hate her, but because Dave Jones is an absolute bore according to his Nazi colleagues. Maybe that’s why they’re both banned from future meetings.
Jones: Fashionable fascist?