It’s been another difficult week for the BNP. Up in Cumbria, the party’s latest round of factional infighting has seen desks shifted around the party’s offices so as to avoid further confrontations and job losses.
Clive Jefferson appears to have the party on some kind of “lock down” a convenient way some would say, of keeping as much of his own incompetence out of reach of those nasty antifascist journalists who poke fun at his “Rodney the plonker” persona.
Oh well, when it suits Clive he even has the power to stop controversial candidates that he does not like from standing. Others it seems, he either does not know about or would perhaps be better not care about .
So How did Jefferson manage to stop a whole country of BNP activists from standing? Astonishingly, there is not one BNP candidate in Scotland! The BNP splinter group managed to get four candidates onto the ballot papers in Scotland, but the mighty BNP have none! And Clive was not happy…
Luckily for Clive the BNP’s Scotland organiser has taken full responsibility for this. “I missed the date to get our candidate in, the date had been brought forward from the 5th of May to the 3rd so I missed it by 1 day, so I have let the people of Scotland down” writes David Orr.
Far be in for me to put him straight, but this election, like all others, was always going to be on a Thursday. It was never going to be on a Saturday.
“If people wish to complain about this then I accept full responsibility and will answer all questions and complaints” he concludes his grovelling address to the members.
It just doesn’t add up. Forced self-criticisms rarely do. Shouldn’t the idiot who told him the elections were on the Saturday get the blame, or more honestly, the person who wrote and told him that the elections were on the 5th of May, get the blame?
And why did somebody not ring around and check that the work was being done? As we understand it, all electoral materials have to go via Jefferson in the first place. Had he taken his eye off the ball again??
I’m guessing that he did. Trusting David Orr was probably not a very good idea in the first place, but at least David now has the undying loyalty of Clive Jefferson for at least another ten days…