The BNP currently has five candidates standing for election this May who were on the mailing list of Norwegian terrorist Anders Behring Breivik .
It is no exaggeration to say that many of Breivik’s warped views are shared by the BNP. Last night I blogged how the BNP and their supporters really find it difficult to actually condemn outright the behaviour of Norwegian terrorist Anders Breivik.
Indeed, Nick Griffin himself is always on about a supposedly inevitable civil war in this country between people he describes as “Christians” (but I would prefer the term racists) and British Muslims.
Today on the internet, BNP supporters themselves are echoing similar sentiment to not just Griffin but to Breivik also. Commenting on an article that first appeared on their London Facebook page about the Breivik trial, the party even writes that “Insanity and extremism” are becoming “the norm”. In the case of many of their members, this may be so, but Breivik has been deemed sane and of course his very actions echoed the thoughts of many BNP members and supporters. One poster writes that there is no “justification” for the use of the word extreme to justify Breivik’s actions: “because in a fight all your actions must be extreme ones”.
The BNP just seems absolutely incapable of condemning the murder as anything other than the result of racism and extremism; the two key tenets of BNP policy.
Last month the BNP’s Donna Treanor even wrote on the party’s main website about the “growing menace of militant Islam in Britain” and how “Free speech in Britain is a Marxist myth” and how “Britain is awash with those that fear and hate the indigenous British people”.
Of course, there is no proof or facts in any of this, so Treanor changed the name of the writer to “Vince BNP”. It could as well have been “Anders Breivik”.
Particularly when she finishes her ranting article with “There is a war coming! But it won’t be to turn Britain into an Islamic republic, it will be a war to jettison Islam from Britain altogether. And if the Marxist Left physically assault you, then you can invoke the universally recognised common-law right of self-defence and retaliate—regardless of what the secular law says!”
The BNP candidates found on Breivik’s list are:
Peter Clayton St Helens Council Sutton Ward
Danny Cook Barnsley Council Kingstone Ward
Phil Kimberley Nuneaton Council Attleborough Ward
Lee Millard Nuneaton Council Abbey Ward
John Clark BNP GLA candidate