Jones & Khaw: Doing our job for us?
We’ve written about David Jones quite a few times before. By all accounts, having armed police raid his home and photographs of him appearing in his back garden waving a swastika while holding a rifle may, just may, have damaged his bid to elected to Todmorden council. God forbid!
We’ve also written about his strange alliance with Claire Khaw, an alliance that has obviously upset his hard line neo-Nazis buddies in the tiny Hitler cult that is the British People’s Party.
Still, not to be outdone by being disowned by long lost family, a girlfriend and other neo-Nazis, Dave was delighted that Claire could come all the way up from London to help repair some of the damage to his public reputation.
In one article about Jones, I described him as a “Village Idiot” to which he complained; Todmorden he wrote, “is not a village”…
Having convinced (in his tiny mind), the people of Todmorden that he was not really some kind of madman, Dave took Claire back to his home for a bit of R&R.
And then it was Ground Hog Day all over again
Jones: Repairing the damage?