
Matthew Collins - 26 04 12
Ruby Akhtar with the delightful Roberta Moore & Tommy Robinson

Ruby Akhtar with the delightful Roberta Moore & Tommy Robinson

We are always getting sent snippets of information, some we use, some we don’t.

Just had a very interesting fact sent to us which will shake up both the BNP and EDL at the same time.

It’s just been confirmed to us that the leader of The EDL’s Pakistani Christian Division, Ruby Akhtar, was also a member of the BNP between 2010 and 2011, the same time she was active with the EDL.

What we haven’t had confirmed is whether she is still a member or not.

Akhtar, who now claims she is actually a Pakistani Jew has been a little quiet of late. This little bit of news will probably wake her up from her slumber.


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