Penguins & Fascists.

Matthew Collins - 05 05 12
Professor Pongoo

Professor Pongoo

This is Professor Pongoo, a man dressed as a penguin.

He stood as an election candidate in one solitary election in Scotland.

That is one more candidate than the BNP put up in the whole of Scotland as their feckless Scottish organiser Davie Orr Jr forgot the date of the elections.

1-0 to Professor Pongoo.

Professor Pongoo received 444 votes in the one election he stood in.

The National Front stood 8 candidates in Scotland, unlike the BNP they marked election day in their diary. Their combined vote was just 369, 71 votes fewer than the penguin on his own.

2-0 to Professor Pongoo.

The BNP splinter group “Britannica” led by former Glasgow Organiser Charlie Baillie managed to scrape together just 73 votes over 4 wards in Glasgow, 369 votes short of the penguin.

3-0 to Professor Pongoo.

Professor Pongo received more votes than the combined far right vote in the whole of Scotland.

4-0 to Professor Pongoo.

Conclusion: The good people of Scotland prefer penguins to fascists.


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