Twit: Griffin should look closer to home for porn problem
Fresh from keeping us up to date about a cuckoo in his back garden on the very day the BNP were getting wiped out across the country, there’s more comedy gold today from the BNP’s leader Nick Griffin.
In the run up to the elections, his candidate for mayor was exposed as a sex swinger. Nothing wrong with that (if that’s your thing) except of course, he wanted to attend couples swinging parties on his own.
Then the BNP’s London Organiser Steve Squire, who topped the BNP’s London list was exposed as a sex shop owner who had previously sold date rape drugs and unlicensed sex films. The hatrick as it were, was then how another one of the BNP’s London list was then exposed in some rather adult (not tasteful) poses on a series of anti-BNP websites a week before polling.
Add to that the BNP’s own “Granny” Porn-star in Yorkshire and the porn activities of Griffin’s own bodyguard, you’d think Griffin the pig farmer would try and avoid all mention of the subject.
Not at all. It appear that porn has rotted his brain. According to Griffin, it’s teenagers who are downloading porn on a wet bank holiday and not his own diminished membership.
Griffin really should not judge the youth of this fine nation by his party’s own poor standards. The country has already rejected Griffin and co on the very basis that the BNP is morally flawed.