Leading Infidel Arrested

Matthew Collins - 21 05 12
Shane Calvert

Shane Calvert

Leading member of the North West Infidels Shane “Diddyman” Calvert was arrested over the weekend Hope not Hate has learnt.

Calvert from Blackburn was charged with domestic related criminal damage at a house in the Hartlepool area.

It is thought the property belongs to that of Calvert’s heavily pregnant ex girlfriend Sami Pearson, who is due to give birth to Calvert’s baby in just over one month.

Calvert is very close to Infidel leader John “Snowy” Shaw but has grown ever more extreme over recent months, taking part in various activities with the National Front and the miniscule CxF.

Shane Calvert has been charged and bailed to appear in court on June 7th.


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