Much has been written already about the dubious political aspirations of the EDL and in particular their leader, Stephen Lennon.
One is most grateful that Stephen has not turned his attention to joining the fire brigade, what with his stated propensity for fighting fire with fire.
Elsewhere in Stephen’s patriotic mob and monoculture, people who want a more fair and just society are deemed to be worthless radicals who can only be silenced by violence and victimisation, and people who groom or and rape young women are entirely evil, unless of course, they are EDL members and supporters.
Part of the EDL’s ongoing moaning and whining is of course, that they are denied free speech. I dunno, what came first? The silencing of these poor white lambs, or their attempts to violently assault those they do not agree with?
This weekend in Newcastle a bunch of good hearted people are getting together to celebrate the Jubilee. It’s light hearted, they’ve called it “Stuff the Jubilee” as like me, and a few others I’m sure, they think there are probably more important reasons to clean streets, talk to one’s neighbour, break bread and show a moment of tolerance and respect.
It’s a democracy still, you see. And perhaps we can thank the Queen for that, if that’s your way of seeing things. But it is also a little bit of a protest. Unlike the EDL’s protests, no-one (not even the Queen) is being maligned, threatened, assaulted, urinated on, battered, persecuted or accused of being a paedophile. It is in fact, a perfectly British way to spend the day, in polite and congenial surroundings. They may even have cakes, a few biscuits and some friendly chatter.
Unsurprisingly, the EDL are bitterly opposed to this get together. Not that they are decking the bunting outside their own homes or sweeping the broken glass, mattresses and empty cans of foreign lager away from their front doors and front gardens to honour her Majesty in their own way you understand. No, they’re doing it the EDL way. To honour Her Majesty, the EDL up in Newcastle are going to attack these people with violence. “God save the Queen” they declare.
Bizarrely, given that most of them have served time at Her Majesty’s pleasure, they probably think they’re repaying her some kind of favour!
The EDL and the BFP? They really just are not British.