I smell another Marmite moment

Matthew Collins - 01 06 12

You’d think that Nick Griffin and the BNP would learn their lesson regarding copyright infringement, wouldn’t you?

Following from the BNP’s ill fated decision in 2010 to use an image of a jar of Marmite in one of its party election broadcasts (which saw Marmite’s parent company Unilever launch High Court proceedings against the BNP for breach of copyright,) you’d think the last thing that the BNP would want is another controversy regarding their ignorance of copyright law?

In 2010 the BNP was taken to the brink of collapse, forced to shell out a rumoured £170,000 in compensation in an out of court settlement with Unilever, the company that manufactures Marmite.

Maybe the BNP like spending their members money on compensation? Hope not Hate can reveal that the BNP has knowingly breached the copyright of one of the UK’s most popular recording artists.

Heather Small is the lead singer with the Manchester based band M People. She has also seen success recording as a solo artist. In 2000, Small released her debut solo album “Proud” and a single by the same name, which is closely associated with the British Olympics team.

In 2008 she performed at the London 2012 Party to celebrate the handover to the host city of the Olympic Games from Beijing, to London. Small sang “Proud”, which was the unofficial anthem of Team GB at the Athens Games in 2004. It is now the official anthem of the London 2012 Games.

Small attended an anti racism ceremony for “Show Racism The Red Card” hosted by the Prime Minister and attended by leading sports men & women at 10 Downing Street.

So it might come as a surprise to Heather when she hears that the BNP are currently using her flagship song “Proud” to promote their far racial hatred.

The BNP has been using the song on a number of their own videos hosted on the BNP website.

Now we doubt very much that the BNP have had the decency to ask Heather’s permission for use of her music, which I would have thought she would have flatly refused.

So we have contacted Heather Small’s management company “Bandana Management” and have passed the details on of the likely breach of copyright by the BNP.

So we invite Heather Small to study the details we have sent her and hopefully she might be having her very own “Marmite” moment, courtesy of BNP TV.


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