Lennon: My notes are quite short, too
Earlier this month, EDL leader Stephen Lennon made a surprise appearance in the European Parliament at a shadowy meeting populated by hard line Islamophobes, some of whom were singled out for praise by Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik.
The unadvertised meeting dealt with the supposed threat to Europe by Islam. It included Ned May, cited by Breivik 86 times in his manifesto and Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff who also received the approval of the Norwegian killer.
Lennon was there to represent the tiny British Freedom Party (BFP), and as he sat and sweated his way through proceedings, our secret observer of the proceedings was (surprisingly) surprised just how out of his depth Lennon was. There was some long words being used apparently, and Lennon was there to claim that his gang of racist thugs in the EDL were not a violent organisation at all. However, Lennon actually struggled to tell the conference what exactly it is that the EDL stand for other than drinking lager from the crack of dawn and smashing up town centres.
Given that many British MEP’s have been the victim of the EDL’s policy of violence and intimidation, it was no surprise that Lennon even went to find one MEP in particular-despite being warned not to raise interest of his presence at the clandestine meeting.
Lennon left an anti-Islam leaflet on Richard Howitt MEP’s office door, which some may see as a further propensity to harass deputies. He also left a note for the deputy in his mailbox saying, “You spineless coward, Love Tommy!”
For those not up to date with EDL parlance, Lennon uses the name Tommy Robinson to hide his own true identity.
Well, it appears that Lennon/Robinson could be in some considerable trouble of his own now. There is no record at all of either Stephen Yaxley Lennon or Tommy Robinson being signed into the European Parliament that day.
That is potentially a major problem for the sponsor of Lennon’s visit. By law, you must be signed in to the Parliament, and show a passport as identity.
The European Parliament has confirmed that Lennon was apparently not there. if he was, he would be signed in, would he not? Lennon was supposed to be the guest of Belgian MEP Philip Claeys from the extremist Vlaams Belang (VB), but neither Claeys or anyone else signed in Lennon apparently.
So, what or whose passport did Lennon travel on and gain access to the European Parliament and attempt to intimidate British politicians? And further still, is he really that embarrassing to be seen with…
As soon as Claeys confirms who he did sign in, we’ll let you know..
Letter: Confirmed