Far-right round up

Matthew Collins - 20 07 12
Tanning: The BNP don't like it

Tanning: The BNP don’t like it

Another good week here at Hope Not Hate towers; we had an eight page pull out in the Daily Mirror , launched a food related website to celebrate Britain’s diversity, and even had the tres cool Reg E Cathey pop by to say hello.

Some comedian even nearly crashed our website by tweeting to 2.5 million people to all give it a look at the same time! Never mind..

While we launched Britain Tastes Great the BNP got themselves all hot under their Aryan collars and called for a demonstration in Sunderland. Their demonstration was supposed to be a protest against Halal food. However, it quickly became apparent that it was actually really just an exercise in mimicking the rival EDL in seeing how few Nazis could fit into a car park. (The BNP wins this time).

Nick Griffin, the party’s perfectly formed leader, even promised he would join them at the protest, but he doesn’t have a good record of keeping out of trouble when it comes to Halal food. The last time we know of him going anywhere near Halal food he allegedly ended up with his pants at his ankles in a car park in Kent.

Perhaps his missus kept him at home, then? Who knows.. He certainly did not show up, but guess who did? Yep, the bloody UAF and others who took the BNP’s demo location over and would not let the BNP stand outside Subway with their racist placards!

Some wit, (yes, me actually) suggested that it was all a ruse by the BNP and it was actually a demonstration against the poor old tanning salon instead. And to be fair, the last thing the BNP does want is decent white folk getting their white bodies bronzed and looking all ethnic, so the idea kind of stuck that the BNP was actually having a “Keep Britain White” demonstration. They even heard about it in Belgium !

Griffin’s no show was explained away by his beleaguered lapdogs that he was on “important” business in Brussels. Our own lapdog in Brussels managed to tear himself away from the Duty Frees to search for Griffin, but alas, the Leader did not appear to be there either!!

Before we could even begin to imagine that he was under some coffee table somewhere with his head of security, Griffin emerged all resplendent in time for the evening piss up, which despite the Kebab van parked outside, apparently went off very well, if not a little small.

Whilst in Brussels, our hack decided to run a check on exactly how did the EDL’s pint-sized Fuhrer Stephen Lennon, manage to wangle himself an invite to sit down with the big goys and girls at the European Parliament earlier this month. With the EDL’s political wing’s electoral mastermind and frightfully posh leader Paul Weston absent, “Tommeh” went to a meeting in the big house, but it appears there is no actual record of him being there!! Some suggest that could be because he was supposed to be doing Community Service at the time, but who knows… I would like to assure you all that there is probably a very reasonable reason why this mix up occurred..

And finally, what with it being Friday and me about to shoot off and break bread with my nearest and dearest, it would be remiss of me not to wish all of our Muslim friends a very happy, rewarding and peaceful Ramadan.

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"Tommeh": Europe's mystery man

"Tommeh": Europe’s mystery man


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