Deacon’s in Hot Water

Matthew Collins - 30 07 12
Alwyn Deacon chairing a BNP meeting

Alwyn Deacon chairing a BNP meeting

Thankfully, we don’t hear too much these days about the BNP’s merchandising outfit Excalibur.

The BNP and Excalibur’s manager Alwyn Deacon prefer to keep Excalibur low key and out of the headlines.When he isn’t attempting to flog the more gullible members of the BNP some of his cheap, shoddy merchandise, Alwyn Deacon’s other job is the BNP regional organiser for the West Midlands.

Deacon, whose father was once Mayor of Nuneaton first came to our attention when he was the landlord of Elliots Bistro in Nuneaton. The name makes it sound like a classy joint but in reality it was just another grotty pub used by a variety of drunks, reprobates and Neo Nazis.

The BNP used to hold regular meetings at the pub, Elliots was also used by the openly Neo Nazi British Freedom Fighters as a meeting place in 2009. Chairing that meeting was Wigan based skinhead Michael Heaton who went on to be jailed for 30 months in 2010 for six counts of using threatening, abusive or insulting words likely to stir up racial hatred.Heaton was convicted after it was discovered he had posted thousands of racist messages online including some calling for the murder of Jewish people.

Deacon left the pub shortly after these revelations and dedicated himself to working full time for the BNP, becoming their national dispatch manager along with his West Midlands regional position.

Keeping his head down, Deacon carries out his work quietly and without much fuss. He has been a BNP candidate on a number of occasions, narrowly missing out on being elected onto Nuneaton & Bedworth Council in 2008 by just 18 votes.

However, this BNP activism could be a huge problem for Alwyn Deacon.

Deacon is a member of the Territorial Army, serving in the 4th Mercian regimental band.

Writing on his own website, Deacon confirms this fact and also informs us that he along with the regimental band were due to make an appearance at the Olympics in London on August 11th.

The problem for Alwyn is that he has had his official accreditation refused by the Home Office, presumably due to his political activity.

Members of the armed forces are allowed to join any political party they want, however, it is our understanding that they cannot be “active” within that political party, something Deacon most certainly is.

A spokesman for the British Army told us “Members of the British Army can belong to any political party, and may attend political meetings so long as uniform is not worn, service duties are not impeded and their actions do not bring the service into disrepute “

He continued “Service personnel are not permitted to take any active part in the affairs of a political organisation, party or movement. They are not to participate in political marches or demonstrations.

We do not welcome applications from people with views and beliefs that are incompatible with the Army’s values and Standards.”

So there lies the problem for Alwyn, contrary to the British Army guidelines Deacon does play an active role in the affairs of the BNP, being a regional organiser and also full time dispatch manager.

And he has most definitely attended BNP meetings/functions wearing his uniform as can be seen from our photographs, Deacon was snapped in uniform at the Red White and Blue festival in 2009.

We will be presenting our information to the British Army and also the Ministry of Defence and we call on those organisations to take a closer look at the activities of Alwyn Deacon.

Deacon admits to being in the TA

Deacon admits to being in the TA


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