A day later than usual, but I’m sure you’ll forgive us. We spent yesterday afternoon waiting for the EDL to leave their pub at Victoria train station in London (a Wetherspoons, where else?) but it seems they decided against attacking the Al Quds Day march when they could not muster more than a dozen people.
Pity poor Michael Bayliss, the former car thief who now spends time taking pics for the EDL. He was stuck all on his own by the march while his colleagues ignored “Al Quds Day” and had their own “Beer Suds” day. No doubt the EDL will be hoping for a better day out in Chelmsford today. Certainly Mark Pringle is, he’s not only owned up to violence in Brighton, but also has plans for some more today (thanks to EDL News for the grab).
While Nick Griffin was busy plagiarising our very well received Counter Jihad report to launch another desperate attack on the EDL, his party stalwart Muriel Malley was in hot water. The Post Office confirmed to us yesterday by email, telephone and even twitter that they will be investigating Malley’s behaviour.
Another well known BNP official-the ever charming Adam Walker managed to quietly persuade a court in the North East not to sentence him last Monday. Walker will now be sentenced on September 7th instead. One or two furious BNP insiders tell us that this was done purely to allow Walker to testify from September 1st in the long running discrimination case being heard in Edinburgh involving the wife of the popular Patrick Harrington against members of Andrew Brons’s staff. Is there nothing that Adam will not do for Patrick?
Also, in court next week will be (surprise, surprise) Stephen Lennon. He’s up for a breach of his football banning order, namely that under section 15 of the Football Spectators Act 1989, Lennon failed, without reasonable excuse, to comply with a requirement imposed upon him a month earlier to report on either 21/05/2012 or 22/05/2012 anytime within the opening hours of Luton Buxton Road Police Station.
So enjoy your weekend folks. It’s going to be a bit of a scorcher so word of advice to the Boneheads who now make up the EDL: Slip! slap! slop!
HOPE not hate exposes the individuals behind the disturbances and their links to far-right organisations and longstanding anti-migrant campaigns. The week of 29 July to…