Adam Walker

Matthew Collins - 07 09 12
Adam Walker

Adam Walker

Adam Walker, the BNP’s National Organiser has appeared before Durham Crown Court for sentencing today.

Walker pleaded guilty to dangerous driving in July and has been given a 6 month prison sentence suspended for 18 months.

Adam Walker drove his Land Rover over a village green in pursuit of three 11 year old boys following an earlier incident on St George’s Day of last year.

Following the pursuit, all three boys fled into a house before Walker slashed the tyres on their bikes with a knife.

Walker was arrested shortly after and charged with dangerous driving, affray, possessing a bladed article and three counts of criminal damage.

He previously admitted possessing the knife and the three charges of damaging the bike tyres,

Walker also pleaded guilty to a public order charge of using threatening, abusive or insulting words and behaviour.


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