Curtis: Another scorned suitor
Tony Curtis appears to have joined the long list of people either pushed or jumped from the EDL leadership.
Curtis, from Nottingham, lasted longer than most that get close to the Cousins Grimm but he must have known his time was up when Kevin Carroll, Stephen Lennon and Paul Weston fled Walthamstow earlier this month and could find no rooom for him in their getaway car.
The final straw it is rumoured, was there being no seat on the gravy plane that has taken Lennon, Carroll and Weston in the last week to places such as Slovakia, New York and Florence.
In an angry statement issued on facebook early today (that’s where these things happen by the way,) Curtis wrote of feeling “ostracised” by those he thought were like a family to him, namely the Luton “mafia” of EDL leaders’ Kevin Carroll and Stephen Lennon.
As others have found, the cousins close rank when someone starts thinking they have their feet under the table with them. And so whatever it was that Curtis did to upset the duplicitous duo [read a book, perhaps?] it means a long walk into the wilderness for Curtis.
The far-right is split beyond almost repair at the moment, so the decision by Curtis to form a new group comes as no surprise. The “New Patriot Alliance” (NPA) was formed by Curtis on the 3rd September but did not come to light until today. Its mission statement begins rather predictably, with a call for “unity”, something which the other 337 splinter groups are also calling for.
After that, there are some eight or so more paragraphs about military tactics, beef Wellington, the rules of Yahtzee etc, etc and then as no split from the EDL could be complete without, a warning about drugs:
“The NPA reserves the right to expel any individual without consultation proven to be engaging in behaviour that is likely to promote the use of drugs illicit materials and causing alarm to others.”
The EDL (Lennon) has responded in its usual way by claiming Curtis is probably just another Nazi, but Lennon and Carroll know that Curtis is another of their dwindling circle who knew where more than a few of the proverbial bodies are buried.
Already this weekend the National Front has launched an attack on the EDL which even contained a threat to hang Lennon! This has been backed up by a video repsonse from the BNP’s Nick Griffin to Lennon’s rather wild video rant last week.
The EDL is on its last legs. Lennon may be desperate to stir another near riot in Walthamstow by threatening to show his silly hate film there, but Nick Griffin can smell blood. We know that Nick loves nothing more than to feed off the corpses of political rivals and this is where Lennon’s greatest enemy has set his large appetite for now.
When Griffin smells money, he’ll eat the whole bloody lot of the EDL to get at it.
Griffin: A quick "come dine with me" response to Lennon