Sticking the boot in..

Matthew Collins - 17 09 12
Marsh: Full of excuses and gas

Marsh: Full of excuses and gas

The EDL is now falling to bits. That is no exaggeration. Now should be the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party.

The EDL’s “number three” Tony Curtis has left the group after the Walthamstow debacle and rather than step up to the proverbial plate and be a helpful soul, hooligan Jeff Marsh is enjoying sticking the knife in instead.

We often warn EDL leader Stephen “miniature” Lennon about the no-good intentions of Jeff Marsh. Someone has to, Marsh does not appear to have the “balls” to do it himself. He is already suggesting that people go shopping in London instead of attending the next planned demonstration in Walthamstow, as well as painting the EDL’s leadership as idiots on his private facebook page.

One grab passed to us by our friends at EDL News recently, shows Marsh taking great delight in mimicking Lennon’s infamously distraught video rants. Last December Marsh went as far to mock up a picture of Lennon doing a video where he complained (once again) of being attacked. And then tonight, he sticks the knife further into the diminishing Fuhrer’s back by listing a series of reasons (not that he needs any) as to why Marsh cannot produce any “top boys” for EDL demonstrations.

Of particular interest in Marsh’s lastest attack on the EDL leader is that the likes of Paul Pitt (Essex) and Kevin Docherty (West Yorkshire) giving their approval to Marsh’s backstabbing.

We think that Mr Lennon’s days are well and truly numbered.

Marsh: Keeps his stupidity secret

Marsh: Keeps his stupidity secret


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