The BNP are no strangers to blaming the Jews for the ills of the world. Since the party was formed in 1982 they have blamed Jews for all manner of things; withholding the cure for cancer, causing cancer, poisoning the water supply and, most openly and notoriously, denying that the Holocaust ever happened. In fact, the BNP’s leader Nick Griffin described the very idea that the Nazis used gas chambers as “absolute nonsense”.
Holocaust denial is not a crime in this country. The BNP have always been quick to remind anyone that will listen that they have broken no laws in telling lies about history and besmirching millions upon millions of dead people. It has been their vain duty to lift what they must evidently see as some kind of mere blemish against the good name of the Nazi regime the BNP admire so much.
As the BNP crept into the political mainstream during the latter part of the last decade, open Jew-hating and Holocaust denial was abandoned by the party. It still existed at its very core, but as they didn’t quite manage to convince the general public of their Holocaust theories, they were hidden away. Even Nick Griffin’s seminal masterpiece “Mindbenders”, which listed, among others, Children’s TV presenters as being part of a “Zionist Conspiracy” at the BBC, was seemingly airbrushed from party history. [The object of the book was to “unmask” how Jews dominated the public broadcaster, but it only managed to actually “unmask” twenty-three Jews in employment at the whole of the BBC].
Since their very public decline, we’ve begun to see a return to the bad old ways of the party. Anti-Semitism and conspiracy have returned to the forefront of the British National Party. Not out of necessity, but because it has always been there under the surface. And with decline has come the very true nature of the party. Little incidents keep cropping up, as does the word “Zionist”. Everywhere.
So welcome back the anti-Jewish conspiracy theories, and say goodbye to the few Jewish BNP members there were.
Last week the BNP re-launched its Tameside branch. Tameside used to be a large branch and used to stand a number of candidates at election time.
Gary Tumulty is the acting North West organiser and is also the Salford organiser. He made his partner, Kay Pollitt, the Tameside organiser despite the fact they both live in Salford. They both spoke at the branch re-launch alongside Eddy O’Sullivan, the BNP’s Manchester organiser, who also lives in Salford. According to Tumulty, scrawling on their blogsite “Eddy O’Sullivan gave a very powerful speech about a conspiracy theory surround 9/11”. (sic)
I have no idea what O’Sullivan does for a living, but according to Tumulty (who also fails to mention O’Sullivan’s expertise), “Eddy is not normally one for conspiracy theory’s (sic)”, but O’Sullivan has conducted his own investigation into the 9/11 terror attacks in New York in 2001, and “after reading a report produced by monkey see monkey do”, O’Sullivan went on to outline that “9/11 was an inside job and conspired by Zionists”.
An inside job? Well yes, because, in case you were not aware, the BNP now believes that all governments are “occupied” by secret societies of Jews.
No wonder that, according to Tumulty, “All members very inspired with Eddy” (sic) for delivering “the real facts naming and shaming the zionist’s (sic) involved and truth to what they have just been up to.”
BNP members may be suspicious, but how conspiracy driven they can be made in their quest remains to be seen. Much of the BNP’s rise has been on the back of their Islamaphobia and racism post 9/11. Islamaphobia has been the prime focus for years for the extreme right in the UK, and in particular the BNP’s enemies in the EDL. It’s become a rather crowded corner of the world for them all.
Now, however, the BNP are back to blaming the Jews, no matter how mad or how bad it makes them seem. There has been a marked rise in 9/11 conspiracy theories over the last few years, though mainly from Islamists and conspiracy nuts.
In a desperate search for a new focus in the squeeze that is the Islam-baiting far-right, the BNP has returned to type.
The Jews did it!