The tinpot Combined Ex Forces like to portray themselves as true patriots devoted to the defence of our Queen and country.
In fact, nothing could be further from the truth.They hate our country and all it stands for.
Back in August, the CXF wrote on their Facebook page
“Most of us within Cxf swore a oath for our Queen even thou the c***s in government our using her and the royal family as puppets for there own political gain. That does not mean you can come on the Cxf page and slag our monarch as we our only loyal to her and not our traitourous government who will be held accountable when the time is right.”
“And when this time comes our Queen or king will be without any questionable doubt will be the monarch and leader of our once great country. If you don’t like these facts then fuck of , or if you would like a meet in person before hand then do not hesitate to inbox admin an we will gladly arrange it. We ourselves our very much pissed of with our so called government and there actions over our Queen and there traitourous agenda.”
“Don’t slag the monarch on here because your not welcome if you do.”
“God Save Our Queen”
So you’d expect all of the CXF to be supportive of the monarchy wouldn’t you?
Not so the diminutive Darren Lumb it seems.
Lumb, from West Yorkshire who was thrown out of the BNP following a number of “irregularities” hates the Queen and the royal family and we can prove it.
We found this interesting snippet on one of his many Facebook pages a while back and of course we like to keep things like this for a rainy day.
Let’s see if the CXF live up to what they say or are they as weak as we suspect they are?
Proof: Lumb hates the Queen