Pitt’s departure another shot in BFP dispute

28 10 12
Pitt: His crime was loyalty it seems

Pitt: His crime was loyalty it seems

Yesterday’s news that the EDL had parted company with loyal Essex leader Paul Pitt comes as no surprise.

Pitt, whose real name is Paul Prodromou, fell victim to the absence of EDL leader Stephen Lennon and the political ambitions of stand-in EDL leader Kevin Carroll, who also doubles as a leading member in the British Freedom Party (BFP).

Pitt is the victim of a dispute between the BFP and the equally small and viral Britain First (BF), run by former BNP fundraiser Jim Dowson. Earlier this month Pitt was pictured on a BF anti-Islam demonstration in London, where it is understood he held negotiations with leading BF member Paul Golding over the BFP’s failure to protect or defend EDL leader Stephen Lennon from constant attacks by the BNP’s Nick Griffin.

Pitt was one of a number of people close to Lennon who felt the BFP was not capable of standing up to Nick Griffin’s bullying tactics. But, If anybody could, it is Jim Dowson .

Four days after Pitt’s meeting with the Britain First, Lennnon shocked the British Freedom Party by announcing he was quitting the party to concentrate on the EDL. By all accounts it even came as a shock to Lennon’s cousin and joint deputy leader of the BFP, Kevin Carroll. Carroll is currently the BFP’s candidate for Police and Crime Commissioner of Bedford.

Since Lennon’s departure from the BFP and subsequent imprisonment, Britain First has “mysteriously” begun to stake their claim for any monies that can be raised on the back of Lennon’s plight. The BFP has naturally reacted very badly to this as there is more than a little bad blood between rival officials of both parties.

The BFP’s Simon Bennett gets emotional and often unstable at the mere mention of the name of his old nemesis Dowson, but has clearly learned nothing of his past run-ins with him.

On Friday afternoon Dowson responded to what he felt was a defamatory article about him on the BFP’s website and served papers on a number of BF officials, including their leader Paul Weston, who Dowson will be hoping to bleed dry.

If Dowson smells cash, he’lll find it and hunt you to the ends of the earth for it. Pitt has paid the price for that.

Bennett: Dry your eyes, mate

Bennett: Dry your eyes, mate


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